
Categories: 罐箱堆场
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What Will You Learn?

  • 对于罐箱现场操作的人员如罐箱堆场,仓库,化工装卸货点人员,可以更好的了解和掌握罐箱顶部作业的安全规范和作业流程。

Course Content


  • Introduction

Design and Manufacture
The specification and design of the equipment fitted to the tank container is important to the ongoing safe access to the top of the tank. The design engineer should consider, in consultation with the client, the proposed operational use of the tank. Tank containers are primarily designed for filling and discharge at a terminal facility that is equipped with permanent top access gantries. Tank containers are fitted with a ladder and a top walkway as a secondary provision, recognising that personnel may need to gain access to the top of tank for various reasons including inspection and maintenance. The shipper’s personnel at filling and discharge facilities should access the tank via permanent site gantries fitted with guard rails. However, if the tank is to be filled and discharged without a terminal site gantry, the design may need to incorporate provisions such as for the walk-way to cover a wider area of the tank top surface to effectively form a platform and be provided with guard rails. ISO 1496.3 provides guidance. Refer also to other applicable regulations.

Shipper & Receiver Terminal
Shippers (consignor) and receivers (consignee) or companies acting on their behalf should undertake all tank operations, such as filling, that are carried out on their terminal site. The terminal management are required by health and safety legislation to ensure that measures are taken to ensure safe working for personnel, including the prevention of falls by persons working on top of the tank. The shipper’s terminal filling and or discharge facilities should be equipped with appropriate gantries to safely access the top of the tank. Note: In the context of the filling and discharge terminal facility, the personnel engaged by the terminal to fill or discharge the tank might be potentially confusingly referred to as “operators” There is an important difference between the role of the “tank container operator” and the shipper’s terminal operator or operations. The tank container Industry uses the term “tank container operator” to describe the supplier of the tank and logistics services. The tank operator provides a logistics service, arranges the delivery of the tank to and from the shipper’s terminal. When located at the shipper’s or receiver’s terminal the tank should be “operated” by the terminal personnel who should undertake the filling and discharge process. However, in some countries it is recognised that trucking company personnel might be requested to carryout tasks at the shipper’s terminal in which case there should be a risk assessment and appropriate function specific training.

Tank Service Providers
The requirement for maintenance and inspection requires that personnel access the top of the tank. 1、Inspection – This might sometimes take place in the yard where fall protection harness is employed. 2、Repairs – This usually takes place in the workshop area where working at height gantries can be provided. Both the service providers employees and external personnel present on the premises, are required to be protected. All personnel should receive safety training as required by health and safety legislation. The service provider should verify the training of external personnel and provide additional training and instruction specific to the service providers premises. Service provider / client contracts should include safety obligations of each party.

Risk Assessment
Risk assessment should be carried out to assess hazards and the necessary measures to control risk. Risk assessment should be obtained the appointed safety advisor or other qualified person. Risks to consider include: ƒ Height of the working position ƒ Frequency of access ƒ The task ƒ Equipment to be handled ƒ Personal Protective Equipment to be worn ƒ Location and exposure to weather conditions ƒ Level of supervision ƒ Operating procedures ƒ Maintenance procedures ƒ Training and qualification of personnel

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